Aug 28, 2012

Levi's® #GoForth 2012

"This is a pair of Levi’s" 
"You’re gonna be great, you’re gonna be great." 
"You're a queen, you're a king, you're the solo act in a sold-out show at a six-storey stadium, and you're proud, you're a hero! You got a hero's grip. Swingin' by a single stitch. You follow your heart, follow the leader, you're the leader."
Directed by Lance Acord, the cinematographer on Marie Antoinette, Lost in Translation and Being John Malkovich. Conceived by ad agency Wieden + Kennedy.
Great! Halo!

Aug 13, 2012


“Sustancias inorgánicas se tornan organismos vivos, la disolución se convierte en integración y la muerte se consigue hacer camino entre la vida. Es una habitación de fronteras extrañas”

Aug 12, 2012


The Wizard of Oz experiment from Dennis Neuschaefer-Rube on Vimeo.

between the Still and Moving Image by Dennis Neuschaefer-Rube

:: The Wizard of Oz experiment – 2 minute preview ::

The Videoinstallation “The Wizard of Oz experiment” shows the movie „The Wizard of Oz“ 5829 times side by side. The movies are arranged in rows from left to right and time shifted by exactly one second each. The video starts at the top left, with the first second of the film and finishes bottom right with the last second of the film. 



Sigur Rós: Varúð from Sigur Rós Valtari Mystery Films on Vimeo.
by Valtari mystery film experiment

This piece is my poem to new york city. I wanted to bring a childhood innocence to the streets, through a character whose own light and wonder effects the world around her. I’m always interested in an atmosphere where dreams and reality mingle on equal terms._Ryan McGinley (director)


Ellie Goulding

:: Ellie Goulding :: Anything Could Happen (Instagram Fan Lyric Video) ::

More than 1200 images were submitted by Ellie’s fans! ;)

Aug 5, 2012

Gustavo Sousa

Gustavo Sousa has created a series of Olympic infographics, comparing statistics across the five continents. GRE AT

More at:

Aug 4, 2012